Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy 25th Birthday, Roomie!

So, grad school has turned me into a slacker in the cooking department but even more of a slacker in the blogging department!

My not-so-new-now roommate turned a quarter century old in early October and I was set on impressing her with a vegan treat. She is not a believer in veganism but she is a believer in cake! I asked her what her favorite type of cake or cupcake is and she responded, "Seriously, I LOVE any cake!" OK, easy enough. Well, I have a go-to cupcake recipe but I decided to think outside of Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, and try something new. So I did! I was inspired by the recipe here and made a few minor adjustments. I only had gluten-free flour so I went with that and used So Delicious brand coconut milk instead of soy milk. They were a HUGE hit! The birthday girl was their biggest fan. One point for veganism AND another for GF!

Here they are, pre-frosting! (I made frosting by whipping up Earth Balance, vanilla, and powdered sugar in no particular order):

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