Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Risotto a la Italia en Espana!

I made risotto for Jennifer and her boyfriend, Manuel tonight!

I cooked based off of my memory of the risotto my hosts in Venice made for me (I peeled the squash!). It turned out well! I lost the cord for my camera so I am unable to download photos right now but I felt encouraged to write regardless! I have decided that I will keep this blog updated when I am unable to travel by posting worldly recipes and vegan rants when I have use of a kitchen wherever I happen to be "home" aka for now, my mama's or my daddy's!

Squash/pumpkin risotto:

-Get a large saucepan and drizzle olive oil in the bottom of it

-Dice up your preferred amount of garlic and onions (I used half of a sweet, white onion ( I am new to onions!) and 4 cloves of garlic)

-Peel and cut a full half of a butternut type squash into squares. They are very difficult to peel so pick one with a good shape!

-Put saucepan on burner and turn to medium heat and put all of the veggies you've cut up into the pot

-Stir and keep on burner about 10 mins, add 1/4 cup water, and keep cooking for about 10 mins, squash should be tender

-Measure out desired amount of rice ( I apologize that I am not definitive with measurements!) I'd suggest around a cup and a half for half of a squash, and put into the saucepan

-Stir in oil and veg mixture for about a minute and then pour a cup of water into the mix, keep stirring!

-If you're using a nonstick pot then you don't have to stand over it however if you aren't you need to stir quite a bit and be near at all times!

-The process takes about 30 mins but every 10 or so minutes add a cup of water until you have added 3-4 cups

-Simmer and stir until the rice is cooked. Add seasonings to taste and let sit 5 mins before serving!

( I added salt, olive oil, and pepper during the course of cooking...per usual)

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